Good girls soundtrack baby did a bad bad thing
Good girls soundtrack baby did a bad bad thing

good girls soundtrack baby did a bad bad thing

It just so happened that this evening whilst I was colouring in Hello Miffy that Chris Isaak’s “Baby did a bad bad thing” started to play. When I draw in the evenings, I often have some music playing in the background – this is usually within the music categories of country or soft rock (or “Yacht Rock” as I have discovered on Spotify). I decided upon a a combination of Hello Kitty and Miffy – two characters that are relatively easy to draw but which are quite impactful (the image “Hello Miffy” was then published on my Instagram account). I wanted to create a little Kawaii art – something that I appreciate both as viewer but also as creator. This week I found a couple of hours to get out my drawing equipment to meet a “photo a day challenge” with the subject “I like this”.

Good girls soundtrack baby did a bad bad thing